WiFi Security – Risks of the New Day

It’s summer. More and more men would like to work outdoors rather than sit at monotonous tables. Sometimes you can see how many men relax on a bench in a city park next to an artist with a laptop. Do they think about Wi-Fi security? Your personal traffic is in danger. And it doesn’t matter what they do – manage email or online banking, upload photos, blog, or just browse the web.

All of them are connected to the Internet and have access to Wi-Fi. Every day more and more access points are opened for users, and almost all major cities recommend such access points. What do software developers think about Wi-Fi security? From the point of view of any programmer who can take advantage of data security problems, there is no accident-free access to the world wide web on the street. WiFi architecture doesn’t boast any real security, while the encryption and insulation algorithms used here have an unusable cryptographic depth and can easily be hacked.

According to a new study by ABI Research, the number of Wi-Fi hotspots is increasing anywhere, anytime. The number of free Wi-Fi hotspots is growing rapidly. According to a 2008 study, the greatest use of hotspots was found in Europe. For several years now, the UK has been sacrificing all access points. The most significant change in the number of access points was recorded in France, Germany and Russia. Today we can easily say that open-access Wi-Fi technology is available in almost every simple city in Europe and even in the Middle East. But what can we say about Wi-Fi security? Leading computer prevention experts believe that one of the worst options for the threat is the so-called “man in the middle” attack.

This phrase is often used for decryption and refers to the development of when the perpetrator can read and edit messages from other pen pals, so that neither side notices the presence of the perpetrator. “An attacker can log into the same system, can constantly monitor your WWW connection and willingly replace WWW pages when you provide them with your individual traffic.”

Antivirus analysts add: “You don’t take into account the tasks you’re looking for to connect to a dangerous Wi-Fi network, in practice we recommend that you only use a related HTTPS protocol to access webmail. We strongly recommend that you direct sites that crave fiduciary documents such as space web banking.” Promising yourself to draw dubious conclusions is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to make a set of changes to your program’s bond policy.

There are a few major security risks to Wi-Fi when using free Wi-Fi hotspots:

The ability to listen to your personal traffic that you capture to gain access to it, unlike servers, payment systems or bank terminals. The systems installed by hackers alert you to loyal free Wi-Fi hotspots.
Hacking into a computer that was at one point of access involved the use of unknown malware, which is not in the database of virus signatures.
Sniffing – Intercepting and checking your traffic on the world wide web by attackers can lead to a lack of private evidence.
Materials penetrate through the “attack of the person in the middle.”
By practicing a few methods below, you can eliminate such violations and ensure the security of your Wi-Fi:
Take advantage of Wi-Fi security technology to connect to the world wide web.
Use only secure protocols, such as HTTPS and POP3, to receive email.
Disable the transfer of physical and personal data using protocols not related to permitted traffic encryption algorithms.
Don’t use online banking on public Wi-Fi networks unless you’re covered by Wi-Fi security practices.
Make sure you set up a firewall and antivirus programs to disable incoming evidence, update the virus signature database, and use the extended heuristic verification method.






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